Course curriculum

  • 1

    12/26/23 In-Depth Study - Joseph’s Brothers, The Rooster and The Chickens

    • Joseph’s Brothers, The Rooster and The Chickens
    • Joseph’s Brothers, The Rooster and The Chickens
    • Joseph’s Brothers, The Rooster and The Chickens
  • 2

    In-Depth Study: What Did Ezekiel See? 12/17/23

    • What Did Ezekiel See?
    • What Did Ezekiel See?
    • What Did Ezekiel See?
  • 3

    A Christmas Story From the Old Testament 12/11/23

    • A Christmas Story from the Old Testament
    • A Christmas Story From the Old Testament
    • A Christmas Story From the Old Testament
  • 4

    12/3/23 In-Depth Study: Morning and Evening

    • Morning and Evening
    • Morning and Evening
    • Morning and Evening
  • 5

    11/26/23 When God Seems Far Away

    • When God Seems Far Away
    • When God Seems Far Away
    • In-Depth Study: When God Seems Far Away
  • 6

    In-Depth Study - Tzim-Tzum and the Transfiguration 11/20/23

    • In-Depth Study–Tzim Tzum and the Transfiguration
    • In-Depth Study–Tzim Tzum and the Transfiguration
    • In-Depth Study–Tzim Tzum and the Transfiguration
  • 7

    In Depth Study - Living Waters 11/13/23

    • Living Waters
    • Living Waters
    • Living Waters
  • 8

    In-Depth Study - Preparing for the Divine Kiss 11/6/23

    • Preparing for the Divine Kiss
    • Preparing For The Divine Kiss
    • Preparing For The Divine Kiss
  • 9

    In-Depth Study – Why Would God Not Send Another Flood? 10/3023

    • New Lesson
  • 10

    10/23 What Did Stephen See?

    • New Lesson What Did Stephen See?
    • New Lesson What Did Stephen See?
    • In Depth Study - What did Stephen See?
  • 11

    10/16/23 In Depth Study - The Charam Principle

    • In Depth Study - The Charam Principle
    • In Depth Study - The Charam Principle
    • In-Depth Study The Charam Principle
  • 12

    10/8/23 God's Perfect Time

    • God's Perfect Time
    • God's Perfect Time
    • In Depth Study - God's Pefect Time
  • 13

    10/1/23 Series on Marriage and Divorce - Betrothal

    • In Depth Study -Betrothal.
    • Series on Marriage and Divorce - Betrothal
    • Series on Marriage and Divorce - Betrothal
  • 14

    9/24/23 Scriptural Stand on Polygamy

    • Scriptural Stand on Polygamy
    • In Depth Study - Scriptural Teaching on Polygamy
  • 15

    9/18/23 In Depth Study - Part 3 Matchmaker

    • In Depth Study - Part 3 Matchmaker
    • Part 3 Divorce & Remarriage The Matchmaker: Shadchan
    • Part 3 Divorce & Remarriage The Matchmaker: Shadchan
  • 16

    9/11/23 The Dowry the Enemies Tool

    • In Depth Study - The Dowry the Enemies Tool
    • The Dowry - The Enemies Tool
    • The Dowry - The Enemies Tool
  • 17

    9/4/23 Divorce and Remarriage Part II- in the Series

    • In Depth Study - Divorce and Remarriage
    • Divorce and Remarriage -Part II in Series
    • Divorce and Remarriage -Part II in Series
  • 18

    8/26/23 Part 1: Yichud - Marital Love

    • Part 1: Yichud - Marital Love
    • Part 1: Yichud - Marital Love
    • In-Depth Study - Yichud Marital Love
  • 19

    8/20/23 Conquering Fear of Death

    • Conquering Fear of Death
    • Conquering Fear of Death
    • In Depth Study - Conquering the Fear of Death
  • 20

    8/13/23 The Man of God and the Lion

    • The Man of God and the Lion
    • The Man of God and the Lion
    • In Depth Study - The Man of God and the Lion
  • 21

    8/6/23 A Walk Through The Shadowlands

    • A Walk Through The Shadowlands
    • A Walk Through The Shadowlands
    • In Depth Study - A Walk Through The Shadow Lands
  • 22

    7/30/23 Do We Need To Scare People Into Salvation?

    • Do We Need To Scare People Into Salvation?
    • Do We Need To Scare People Into Salvation?
    • In Depth Study - Do We Need to Scare People Into Salvation
  • 23

    7/22/23 Did God Command Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac

    • Did God Command Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac
    • Did God Command Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac
  • 24

    7/16/23 Morning and Evening When Worship Gets Routine

    • Morning and Evening When Worship Gets Routine
    • Morning and Evening When Worship Gets Routine
    • Morning and Evening When Worship Gets Routine
  • 25

    7/8/23 Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

    • Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
    • Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
  • 26

    Getting Help From God 7/3/23

    • In Depth Study - Getting Help From God
    • Getting Help From God
    • Getting Help From God
  • 27

    6/26/23 In Depth Study - My Worship Time With a Squirrel

    • In Depth Study - My Worship Time With a Squirrel
    • My Worship Time With A Neighborhood Squirrel
    • My Worship Time With A Neighborhood Squirrel
  • 28

    6/18/23 Why the Spies Were Not Forgiven When They Confessed

    • Why the Spies Were Not Forgiven When They Confessed
    • Why the Spies Were Not Forgiven When They Confessed
    • In Depth Study - Why The Spies Were Not Forgiven
  • 29

    6/11 When God Blows the Gunk Out Of You

    • When God Blows the Gunk Out Of You
    • When God Blows the Gunk Out Of You
    • In-Depth Study – When God Blows the Gunk Out of You
  • 30

    6/4/23 The Divine Kiss - Racham

    • The Divine Kiss - Racham
    • The Divine Kiss - Racham
    • In Depth Study - The Divine Kiss -Racham
  • 31

    5/28/23 Songs of Ascent

    • In Depth Study - Songs of Ascent
    • Songs of Ascent
    • Songs of Ascent
  • 32

    5/21 Contemplative Prayer

    • Contemplative Prayer
    • Contemplative Prayer
    • In Depth Study - Contemplative Prayer
  • 33

    5/15/23 In-Depth Study Problems in Translation

    • In Depth Study - Problems In Translation
    • Problems in Modern Bible Translation
    • Problems in Modern Bible Translation
  • 34

    05/08/23 Who Was Asenath, Joseph's Wife?

    • In Depth Study - Who Was Joseph's Wife
    • Who Was Asenath Joseph's Wife
    • Who Was Asenath Joseph's Wife
  • 35

    Why Did God Give Us a Dark Side? 5/1/23

    • In Depth Study - Why Did God Give Us A Dark Side
    • Why Did God Give Us A Dark Side
    • Why Did God Give Us A Dark Side
  • 36

    4/24 Beginning of Knowledge

    • Beginning of Knowledge
    • Beginning of Knowledge
    • In Depth Study - The Begining of Knowledge
  • 37

    4/17/23 Bless the Lord Oh My Soul

    • Bless the Lord Oh My Soul
    • Bless the Lord Oh My Soul
  • 38

    4/10/23 Moses Was Focused

    • Moses Was Focused
    • Moses Was Focused
    • In Depth Study - Moses Was Focused
  • 39

    The Beginning of Knowledge 4/3/23

    • In Depth Study - The Begining of Knowledge
    • The Beginning of Knowledge
    • The Beginning of Knowledge
  • 40

    3/26/23 Fight Against the Amalekites

    • Fight Against the Amalekites
    • Fight Against the Amalekites
  • 41

    In_Depth Study - The Miracle On The Sea 3/19/23

    • In Depth Study - The Miracle On the Sea
    • The Miracle on the Sea
    • The Miracle on the Sea
  • 42

    In-Depth Study - God Has An Issue With Us 3/12/23

    • In Depth Study - God Has An Issue With Us
    • God Has An Issue With US
    • God Has An Issue With US
  • 43

    3/5/23 The Harp and the Spirit

    • The Harp and the Spirit
    • The Harp and the Spirit
    • In Depth Study - The Harp and the Spirit
  • 44

    2/26/23 Hebrew Slavery

    • In Depth Study - Hebrew Slavery
    • Sermon on the Mount Series: Matthew 5:1-2
    • Hebrew Slavery
  • 45

    2/19/23 When the Booths in the Field Crumble

    • When the Booths in the Field Crumble
    • When the Booths in the Field Crumble
    • In Depth Study - When the Booths in the Fields Crumble
  • 46

    2-13-23 The Sinners Prayer

    • The Sinners Prayer
    • In Depth Study - The Sinner's Prayer
  • 47

    2/6/23 God's Perfect Prayer (Part II)

    • In Depth Study - God's Perfect Prayer Part 2
    • Prayer (Part II)
    • Prayer (Part II)
  • 48

    1/30/23 God's Perfect Prayer (Part I)

    • God's Perfect Prayer (Part I)
    • God's Perfect Prayer (Part I)
    • In Depth Study - God's Perfect Prayer Part 1
  • 49

    In-Depth Study: I Will Answer Him 1/23/23

    • In Depth Study - I Will Answer Him
  • 50

    The Cry of Baby Moses 1/16/23

    • IN DEPTH STUDY - The Cry of Baby Moses 01/16/23
    • The Cry of The Baby Moses
    • The Cry of The Baby Moses
  • 51

    In-Depth Study - Joseph the Stalinist Dictator 1/9/23

    • In Depth Study - Joseph the Stalinist Dictator
  • 52

    In-Depth Study – Persistence in Prayer 1/2/23

    • In Depth Study - Persistence in Prayer
    • Persistence in Prayer
    • Persistence in Prayer