Course curriculum

  • 1

    Torah Study: Sh'mot. Names. Exodus 1:1 - 6:1. The First Record of Anti-Semitism

    • Torah Study: Sh'mot. Names. Exodus 1:1 - 6:1. The First Record of Anti-Semitism
    • Torah Study: Sh'mot. Names. Exodus 1:1 - 6:1. The First Record of Anti-Semitism
  • 2

    1-14-24 Va’era - And I Appeared”. Exodus 6:2 - 9:35. God Reveals Himself As Havayah.

    • Va’era - And I Appeared”. Exodus 6:2 - 9:35. God Reveals Himself As Havayah.
    • New LessonVa’era - And I Appeared”. Exodus 6:2 - 9:35. God Reveals Himself As Havayah.
  • 3

    1-20-24 Bo:To Come - Outer Darkness

    • Bo:To Come -Outer Darkness
    • Bo:To Come -Outer DarknessNew Lesson
  • 4

    1/27/24 Beshalach – When He Sent Exodus 13:17-27:16 Causing God to Sing

  • 5

    2/10/24 Mishpatim Judgements. Exodus 21:1-24:18. Misphatim - Judgments, Eidus - Testimonials, Choq - Laws that make no sense.

    • Mishpatim Judgements. Exodus 21:1-24:18. Misphatim - Judgments, Eidus - Testimonials, Choq - Laws that make no sense.
    • Mishpatim Judgements. Exodus 21:1-24:18. Misphatim - Judgments, Eidus - Testimonials, Choq - Laws that make no sense.
  • 6

    2/17/24 Teruman - Offering Exodus 25:1-27:19. What is the Shechinah?

    • Teruman - Offering Exodus 25:1-27:19. What is the Shechinah?
    • Teruman - Offering Exodus 25:1-27:19. What is the Shechinah?
  • 7

    2/24/24 Tetzaven - Command. Exodus 27:30-30:10. The Mishkan and the Bread.

    • Tetzaven - Command. Exodus 27:30-30:10. The Mishkan and the Bread.
    • Tetzaven - Command. Exodus 27:30-30:10. The Mishkan and the Bread.
  • 8

    3/2/24 Ki Tisa - When You Take Exodus 30:11-34:35. What Happens When Good People Do Nothing? Terrible Things to Good People Who Do Something.

    • Ki Tisa - When You Take Exodus 30:11-34:35. What Happens When Good People Do Nothing? Terrible Things to Good People Who Do Something.
  • 9

    3/9/24 Vayachel “And he gathered”. Exodus 35:1-38:20. What is a Wise Heart?

    • Vayachel “And he gathered”. Exodus 35:1-38:20. What is a Wise Heart?
    • Vayachel “And he gathered”. Exodus 35:1-38:20. What is a Wise Heart?
  • 10

    3/16/24 Perudei – Amounts of Exodus 38:21-40:38 Corban, The Purpose of an Offering.

    • Perudei – Amounts of Exodus 38:21-40:38 Corban, The Purpose of an Offering.
    • Perudei – Amounts of Exodus 38:21-40:38 Corban, The Purpose of an Offering.
  • 11

    4/6/24 Shemini - Eighth - Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Eight the Number of the Divine Presence

    • Shemini - Eighth - Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Eight the Number of the Divine Presence
    • Shemini - Eighth - Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Eight the Number of the Divine Presence
  • 12

    3/23/24 Purim – A Few Things About Esther

    • Purim – A Few Things About Esther
    • Purim – A Few Things About Esther
  • 13

    4/13/24 Tazria – To Conceive – Leviticus 12:1-13:59 The Mercy of Miracles.

    • Tazria – To Conceive – Leviticus 12:1-13:59 The Mercy of Miracles. New Lesson
    • Tazria – To Conceive – Leviticus 12:1-13:59 The Mercy of Miracles.
  • 14

    4/20/24 A Leper – Leviticus 14:1-15:37 The Four Lepers When God Practices Deceit

    • A Leper – Leviticus 14:1-15:37 The Four Lepers When God Practices Deceit
    • A Leper – Leviticus 14:1-15:37 The Four Lepers When God Practices Deceit
  • 15

    4/27/24 A New Perspective on Passover Discussion

    • A New Perspective on Passover Discussion
    • A New Perspective on Passover Discussion
  • 16

    5/4/24 Acharei Mot – After They Died - Leviticus 19:1-20:27. Haftorah Amos 9:7-15. Serving God With Your Heart

    • Acharei Mot – After They Died - Leviticus 19:1-20:27. Haftorah Amos 9:7-15. Serving God With Your Heart
    • Acharei Mot – After They Died - Leviticus 19:1-20:27. Haftorah Amos 9:7-15. Serving God With Your Heart
  • 17

    5/18/24 Emor – To Speak – Leviticus 21:1-24:23 The Third Temple and Other Sacred Cows

    • Emor – To Speak – Leviticus 21:1-24:23 The Third Temple and Other Sacred Cows
    • Emor – To Speak – Leviticus 21:1-24:23 The Third Temple and Other Sacred Cows
  • 18

    5/25/24 Behar – On the Mountain – Leviticus 25:1-26:2 You Are Allowed To Enter The Cloud, But Beware Of The Crowd, Your Thoughts Will Be Loud.

    • Behar – On the Mountain – Leviticus 25:1-26:2 You Are Allowed To Enter The Cloud, But Beware Of The Crowd, Your Thoughts Will Be Loud.
    • Behar – On the Mountain – Leviticus 25:1-26:2 You Are Allowed To Enter The Cloud, But Beware Of The Crowd, Your Thoughts Will Be Loud.
  • 19

    6/1 Bechukotai – In My Statutes – Leviticus 26:3-27:34 , Is There A Master Plan?

    • Bechukotai – In My Statutes – Leviticus 26:3-27:34 Is There A Master Plan?
    • Bechukotai – In My Statutes – Leviticus 26:3-27:34 Is There A Master Plan?
  • 20

    6/8/24 Bamidbar – Into the Desert Numbers 1:1 – 4:20 What Is The Difference Between the Feast of Pentecost and Shavuot? p.s. please excuse the red screen in the first minute.

    • Bamidbar – Into the Desert Numbers 1:1 – 4:20 What Is The Difference Between the Feast of Pentecost and Shavuot?
    • Bamidbar – Into the Desert Numbers 1:1 – 4:20 What Is The Difference Between the Feast of Pentecost and Shavuot?
  • 21

    6/15 Naso – Count – Numbers 4:21-7:89. Who Were The Nasi and What Does It Say About Leadership

    • Naso – Count – Numbers 4:21-7:89. Who Were The Nasi and What Does It Say About Leadership
    • Naso – Count – Numbers 4:21-7:89. Who Were The Nasi and What Does It Say About Leadership
  • 22

    6/22/24 Behaalotecha – When You Rise – Numbers 8:1- 10:16 The Pesch Sheni, A Second Chance, Why Is There A Second Passover?Untitled Chapter

    • Behaalotecha – When You Rise – Numbers 8:1- 10:16 The Pesch Sheni, A Second Chance, Why Is There A Second Passover?
    • Behaalotecha – When You Rise – Numbers 8:1- 10:16 The Pesch Sheni, A Second Chance, Why Is There A Second Passover?
  • 23

    6/29 Shalach - Send - Numbers 13:1-15:41 Seek The Lord While He May Be Found.

    • Shalach - Send - Numbers 13:1-15:41 Seek The Lord While He May Be Found.
    • Shalach - Send - Numbers 13:1-15:41 Seek The Lord While He May Be Found.
  • 24

    7/6 Korach – Numbers 16:1-18:32 – The Aaronic Blessing, God Also Calls Us To Impart a Blessing

    • Korach – Numbers 16:1-18:32 – The Aaronic Blessing, God Also Calls Us To Impart a Blessing
    • Korach – Numbers 16:1-18:32 – The Aaronic Blessing, God Also Calls Us To Impart a Blessing
    • Extra: Pre-Class Discussion
  • 25

    7/13/24 Chukat – Statutes – Numbers 19:1- 22:1. Did You Notice When the Clouds of Glory Disappeared?

    • Chukat – Statutes – Numbers 19:1- 22:1. Did You Notice When the Clouds of Glory Disappeared?
    • Chukat – Statutes – Numbers 19:1- 22:1. Did You Notice When the Clouds of Glory Disappeared?
  • 26

    7/20 Balak – King of Moab – Numbers 22:2-25:9 Can Animals See Into The Supernatural Realm?

    • Balak – King of Moab – Numbers 22:2-25:9 Can Animals See Into The Supernatural Realm?
    • Balak – King of Moab – Numbers 22:2-25:9 Can Animals See Into The Supernatural Realm?
  • 27

    8/3 Matot-Massei – Tribes – Journeys. Numbers 30:2-36:13 Why the 42 Journeys of Israel Are Important to Us Individually.

    • Matot-Massei – Tribes – Journeys. Numbers 30:2-36:13 Why the 42 Journeys of Israel Are Important to Us Individually.
  • 28

    8/10 Deverim – Words From The Heart – Deutronomy1:1-3:22 – How God Taught Israel to Strengthen Their Faith - It is The Same Way He Teaches Us To Build Our Faith.

    • Deverim – Words From The Heart – Deutronomy1:1-3:22 – How God Taught Israel to Strengthen Their Faith - It is The Same Way He Teaches Us To Build Our Faith.
  • 29

    Va’etechanan – I Plead – Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 - “Those Who Died Without Their Promises Filled.”

    • Va’etechanan – I Plead – Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 - “Those Who Died Without Their Promises Filled.”
    • Va’etechanan – I Plead – Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 - “Those Who Died Without Their Promises Filled.”
  • 30

    8/24 Eikev- Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25 Because - Did Jonah Bribe God To Get Out Of The Fishes Belly?

    • Eikev- Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25 Because - Did Jonah Bribe God To Get Out Of The Fishes Belly?
    • Eikev- Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25 Because - Did Jonah Bribe God To Get Out Of The Fishes Belly?
    • This is the after class, open mic discussion. I thought I'd post it incase anyone is interested in listening to it.